Tuesday 28 July 2015

History of Burnley – A town in change

Four of us dealt with the topic of the history of Burnley. Burnley is a town in the north-east of Lancashire. There we visited some interesting people and sights, to get a better view about the town.

Our first interview began in the old library of Burnley with Ken Spencer, who was a local history teacher. He answered all of our questions. Melina mentioned: "Ken is a friendly man. He is very sympathetic and he gives us a lot of information about Burnley." Sabrina added: "This first interview is really interesting. It was nice to talk to Ken and learn more about the history of Burnley."

Secondly we visited another Ken, who is a owner of the Woodman Pub. He knows everything about Burnley's history. The Pub is 20 minutes from the Embrace House. The second interview was informative as well. Katja said: "He give us a special view about his knowledge and his childhood in Burnley."

The day after we walked to Townely Hall, a very historical place in Burnley. It was amusing, because we had a third interview to a man who´s first name is Ken. He knows everything about the Townely Hall, which is a quite nice place to visit. Katharina explained: "Ken Derwan give us short and precise answers which helped us a lot. Furthermore we were guided through the Townely Hall."

In addition we will visit two more museums in Burnley to learn more about the history of cotton in Burnley due to the industrialization.

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